mechanical seals

How Silicon Carbide Outperforms Tungsten Carbide

Silicon Carbide out performs Tungsten carbide as hard faces in most seal applications. It’s tribological properties allows for lower coefficient of friction and longer life. In heavy slurry or other extreme pumping conditions the properties are enhanced when you match silicon carbide with a silicon carbide impregnated with graphite (check with your Priest Electric Seal Specialist). This allows for greater corrosion and abrasion resistance as well as heat checking and lower resistance to face damage.

  • Better tribological properties than TC-TC which results in a lower coefficient of friction and longer life.
  • These tribological properties are further enhanced if silicon carbide is matched with silicon carbide + impregnated graphite (check with your mechanical seal supplier).
  • More corrosion resistant than tungsten carbide.
  • Will not heat check.
  • More abrasion & erosion resistant – lower sensitivity to face damage.

Call Priest Electric to consult with our seal engineer if you have questions or concerns about which seal to use.

Call: 208-459-6351